What are the benefits of outsourcing?

Nowadays the word outsourcing is increasingly used in different business sectors around the world. But what exactly does outsourcing mean and what are the benefits of outsourcing for your company?

Outsourcing refers to the way in which companies delegate sectors of their business to external companies. This can apply to any activity or position within the company. This solves the problem of having to invest internally for services unrelated to the main purpose and values for which the company operates even if the advantages are many more. 

Benefits of outsourcing


For many years the policy of outsourcing has been adopted by many companies. However, the benefits of outsourcing are not yet clear to all. Let's see what exactly does outsourcing mean and why companies should at the very least consider this possibility. 


Cost advantages: how outsourcing saves money


The most obvious benefits of outsourcing are advantages related to cost savings. As mentioned, outsourcing allows cutting the costs of lower priority activities. As a result, the money saved can be invested in other activities that are more relevant to the company. Outsourcing then involves transforming fixed costs into variable costs. Thus, allowing small and large companies to invest their capital in other activities.

Companies can choose to invest in activities more profitable and attractive to their customers, or even improve existing services. This also involves, for the most innovative companies, the possibility of beginning startup processes more easily. Such processes are often set aside for the excessive initial costs they require. 


It is not true that opting for a more economical solution means lower quality.  It is possible, through the use of outsourcing, to save costs without sacrificing the quality of work. The activities that companies usually tend to outsource are those related to distribution such as marketing and logistics or operational ones such as accounting, billing or customer care. This choice involves a proportional reduction of costs since the investments in the delocalized areas are supported by the BPO.  The savings are considerable too. This is as a result of reducing the cost of labor thanks to the reduction in staff and staff training. In addition, outsourcing eliminates the need to invest in infrastructure and technology development as outsourcing partners can manage the responsibility associated with these elements. 


Efficient services


Companies that provide outsourcing, such as We Are Fiber, offer services based on years of practice in different business sectors and the experience necessary to complete even more complex projects. Better knowledge and understanding of the industry are factors that help increase productivity and the efficiency of these processes. Ultimately, these factors contribute to the improvement of the company.

Another benefit of outsourcing is converting ideas into results more easily and at the same time faster. Through the outsourcing of sectors in your company, you can save energy and have the opportunity to concentrate on developing your brand, make investments in research and introduce new services. Choosing the best partner is the initial decision that creates the basis for the company's development. 


For this purpose, it is advisable to keep in mind the following requirements: reliability, technical competence, the timing of the updates, experience. The outsourcer assumes full responsibility for the service as a whole.

Another fundamental benefit of outsourcing is being able to exploit knowledge and specialized external resources outside their workforce. This enables the company to achieve better results. In fact, choosing to outsource means entrusting complementary tasks of your company to people that already carry out similar activities and therefore are is more specialized and capable.  And this is equivalent to ensuring productivity and efficiency in processes and products. 

benefits of outsourcing


Core Business


Finally, the outsourcing of less relevant functions for your business allows managers and executives to focus on priority and more interesting activities, to invest in research and development and to create effective branding activities, facilitating the implementation of successful strategies and actions. These are the main reasons why more and more companies choose to rely on outsourcing to maintain a competitive position in the market.


Main outsourcing functions

  • The client saves the phase of economic and functional planning for updating its systems. 
  • The client focuses exclusively on the structure of their business by delegating to the partner the methods of execution. 
  • If managed in-house, the company would incur higher costs for marketing needs that would fall on the end customer. 
  • The outsourcer manages several client companies so they are better at assessing their prospects. In this way, every single delegating company reduces the risks of erroneous forecasts of the market trend. 
  • Addressing resources more focused on the core business. 
  • Increased market competitiveness. 
  • Possibility of better monitoring and maintenance of the equipment. 
  • Respond more quickly to customer requests. 
  • Use of a very high level of specialization on the part of the supplier that is able to update itself better and immediately. 


Through outsourcing, access to the use of quality and experience resources is much simpler and cheaper. These are the main reasons why more and more companies, choose to rely on outsourcing to maintain a competitive position in the market and are just some of the different advantages to consider. 


We Are Fiber


Founded in 2011, We Are Fiber has grown to become one of the leading outsourcing companies in customer support, consulting, technology services, digital marketing and is continually at the forefront of innovation.

Our company is known as a next-generation call center outsourcing company that has helped numerous companies so far, to reinvent their businesses for the digital age. Through a collaborative approach focused on the customers, the professional team in our company are able to generate an immediate impact to achieve targeted results. By understanding the business value of our client companies, we are able to transform, improve performance and also help them become more agile and competitive.   


Contact us to find out how we can support your business! 


Email: info@wearefiber.com

Phone (It): +39 024 210 1122

Phone (Uk): +44 203 870 4408

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