What does a back office clerk do and how important is this for the company?

When we talk about call centers and customer assistance, we immediately think of rooms of operators equipped with headsets and PCs. In reality, in this sector there is also another fundamental figure: the back office employee. It is this person who manages things behind the scenes and serves as a contrast to the front office. 

The primary back office activity is linked to the "control" of the work performed by the respective front offices. For example, when a customer service representative receives customer data to be entered into the system, the back office double checks to see if there is any error in the data received by the representative over the phone. If so, the necessary steps to correct this will be taken, while maintaining contact with the representative. In addition, the back office occupies a quality control role, so that project management is effectively evaluated. Overall, this department is of great importance and its contribution is invaluable in monitoring the work being done.

The activities of the back office operator include: transcription, data entry and processing, compliance control, activation of procedures, transfer of documentation to the relevant offices, and writing of accounting operations.

The challenges faced by the back office 

Back Office

The main issue that the back office faces is that of organizing the structure of the company, so as to solve problems in advance. A back office that works well foresees solutions and avoids negative consequences from problems arising. 

Another challenge is finding easy-to-understand tools that improve performance and simplify internal processes.

How do you make a back office worker efficient? 

One aspect to consider is communication. To ensure that internal processes are streamlined and effective, communication channels must be well integrated. Medium and large businesses can use the intranet, while smaller businesses can use corporate email and direct lines without intermediaries.

However, it makes no sense to use all communication tools if their use is not appropriate. Even with these methods, effective training is required so that the message is not compromised. In addition, every employee must know how to anticipate possible problems. 

Outsourcing back office activities

By entrusting back office activities to outsourcing, the company can count on trained and qualified personnel and free internal resources from low added-value activities, thus also reducing fixed costs. 

Among the outsourcing services offered by We Are Fiber, the back office is one of those with the greatest added value. It provides essential support for companies who seek professionals at their side, able to dedicate themselves to the project and follow it carefully to completion. At the same time, it allows the customer company staff to devote themselves to more productive activities.


Contact We Are Fiber now to find out about all the services needed to relaunch your company towards new borders.


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