Outsourcing one or more of a company’s services is a difficult decision. Most of the time, this approach is considered as a loss of power and control. Therefore, identifying a suitable and trusted partner is of key importance. A Customer Care Campaign on the other hand, when outsourced, it includes among others the management of the campaign by the outsourcer.
Many businesses have found this factor to be a strong influencer to increase efficiency while focusing on their core businesses. Hence, together with the low operational costs, have been between the most important reasons for optimizing the businesses. Below you will find a detailed explanation of the stages related to the outsourcing of services. It includes 3 phases: preparation, execution and new activities.
Customer Care Campaign : Preparation
Once the client has found the required outsourcer, it has to follow certain procedures to make the handover of all processes and the management of activities. It doesn't matter what kind of outsourcer it is. The common component needed for a successful collaboration is related to building trust and close cooperation between parties involved from the early stages. Therefore, to have a productive relationship the first step should be well executed. The preparation phase consists of the exchange of the necessary information. Furthermore, it is important to set the desired standards and requirements of the parties. Being transparent since the beginning of the collaboration is directly related to a healthy partnership and positive expected outcomes.
From the outsourcer perspective, the process starts with the collection of the information followed by the analysis of the customer needs. Then it goes deeper with the understanding of technical exigencies. This is in terms of the coordination of the IT infrastructure to come up with the necessary strategies for the optimization of the processes. Furthermore, the client and the outsourcer define the identification of roles, the timeline, and specifics of the recruitment processes. During all these activities, it is important to always report on the progress and to make the necessary adjustments. Thus, an operational roadmap consisting of a shared activity calendar could be an important tool to keep track of all the developments.
The preparation phase is just the first contact and first plan or draft to get into the real work. The execution phase emphasizes value delivery. Usually, it starts with the training activities and ends with the analysis of the results. For instance, the outsourcer designs a clear guideline for all the situations that may occur to the outsourcer. It includes the analysis of the volumes received, Key Performance Indicators, emergency plans, and escalation levels. These elements are crucial for the maintenance of the Customer Care Campaign. On the other hand, as already planned on the preparation phase, the outsourcer executes the technical tests to make sure the qualitative and effective continuity of the activities.
In addition, the training of the personnel is very important as they will represent the image of the client. Therefore, the outsourcer presents careful and dedicated customized programs to the recruited individuals. In addition, it structures the training based on the requirements of the client and the experience of the outsourcer. When everything is made clear and seems to be alright, it is entered into the Go Live stage where the start of the agreed activities is developed. This start also indicates that the monitoring capabilities should be at the maximum to understand all the problems and activities that were not predicted during the planning phase. Everything should be demonstrated in the reports that are shown to the client on a weekly or monthly basis. These reports give a hand to the decision making, therefore, their accuracy is of high importance.
New Activity
Every activity is part of a chain of reactions. For instance, having the results obtained in the previous stage is crucial to give life to new strategies and point of views. Without reports and specialized analysis, it would be difficult to result in profitable situations. In this stage, the relationship between the client and the outsourcer is more consolidated. Therefore, it is time to seek new opportunities to go forward with it. Given the trustworthy and qualitative service, the client may understand that there are other activities it wants to outsource that the outsourcer can help with. Therefore it starts a preparation phase for the new activities followed up by the identification of the new set of services and the last one, the evaluation of results and business needs while identifying opportunities for improvement.
All these stages are necessary to reach maximum satisfaction of both parties involved in the contractual relationship. The interested parties should make a careful evaluation of a transparent and productive process. Synergy is the most important thing to have a qualitative customer care campaign. Hence, investing time and resources is vital to make sure the customer experience is positive.
We Are Fiber
At We Are Fiber, we are very keen on details and customer-centered. We strongly believe in our capacities to serve the clients in the best way possible. Our philosophy stands on providing qualitative services as a derivative of a consistent and close relationship with the client. The above-mentioned phases are the foundations of our processes and proof of our structured services. Receiving a customer care campaign is very important for us and we have the necessary experience to adapt to customers' needs.
If you find our services and the outsourcing stages to be a perfect match for your company don't hesitate to contact us via the following methods. We are open to any kind of requirement you may have, and we are convinced to find the golden ratio in the potential partnerships.
Phone (It) +39 02 42 10 11 22
Phone (Uk) +44 20 38 70 44 08