Sales outsourcing: the strategic choice that leads to success

Are your salespeople struggling to get results? Do their efforts not lead to improvement?

Very often, it is not up to them. In all likelihood, you have chosen the best sellers on the market, but despite this, your earnings are not growing. 


In most cases, sales companies do not have the time and resources available to evaluate and analyze results, in order to steer their actions in the right direction. 


The answer to this type of problem is outsourcing!


Having a winning idea is frequently not enough to be competitive in the market, but, more than this, it is necessary to possess knowledge and professional skills, so as to present these ideas to customers effectively and efficiently. 

Sales outsourcing: when is it convenient?

Outsourcing sales


Entrusting sales to an outsourced team is certainly an excellent solution for those companies that fail to obtain their desired results.


But when is this a necessary choice? 


By relying on outsourcing, a company delegates part of its activities to specialized professionals, so implementing an effective savings strategy. 


This concept, of course, can be applied to the commercial sector, where the case we are considering is that of outsourcing the sales process. Imagine having professional sales geniuses on your team who don't need training. This is the dream that becomes a reality with outsourcing. 


In general, outsourcing the sales function is recommended at three specific times. Firstly, it is advisable in the case of seasonality, such as Christmas, summer, or for product launches, where it is necessary to increase the sales staff for a set period. Secondly, it is beneficial to rely on outsourcing when a new geographical area has to be covered. Finally, outsourcing is of great assistance when it becomes essential to access different sales channels, in order to build on the brand experience and reach a wider target. 

It is useful to think of outsourcing in terms of coaching for a limited period of time, with the aim, once optimized and enhanced, of the process returning to being an internal and integral part of the business.

Seen in this light, outsourcing could be a valid solution for companies that intend to qualify and improve their methodologies, with the intention of acquiring the right skills for autonomous and efficient management of their businesses.

The advantages of outsourcing sales

Outsourcing does not imply outsourcing people, but rather outsourcing a function, in order to bring a new approach to the organization, to achieve results that are no longer achievable with a more traditional sales strategy.

But, what are the real benefits of outsourcing sales? 

  • Time saving: By outsourcing your sales, you will not need to train staff, resulting in your company saving time. This positive aspect will allow you to focus on other crucial aspects of your business.
  • Greater flexibility: Another advantage of outsourcing is the increased flexibility in terms of interventions in the market. Consider operating in a market where there is no certainty about the future. Due to outsourcing, you can increase or reduce efforts and investments in a very flexible manner. 
  • Improved results: Sales experts know the best selling techniques and methods and are usually more likely to sell  a product or service than you or your team.

Choosing the best outsourcing company

We are undergoing a time of profound change. The challenges imposed by competition from online retailers and internationalization have a strong impact on the sales strategies of brands. To cope with this situation, sellers are required to be increasingly trained on the product, but also on the market and on how to interact with consumers. 

Furthermore, sellers must not only be able to answer every question about the product, but must be able to guide potential customers through the brand experience offered by a company. This often starts on the web, continues in-store, and then consists of after-sales services, both online and offline.

In this scenario, it is vital to reinvent and redefine the sales strategies, supporting staff with skills and knowledge that follows the pace of market changes. It is therefore advisable to evaluate the possibility of outsourcing the sales force, in order to achieve the set business objectives.

We Are Fiber is a company specialized in outsourcing, where we provide professionals able to offer a personalized service. Together with our customers, we ascertain the best strategies for managing the sales network.

One of our sales professionals will be there to support you, by constantly monitoring your results. We Are Fiber provides the necessary tools to manage a motivated and performing sales network, able to reach company objectives with a personalized development plan, aimed at increasing conversion rates and turnover.


Request a consultation: our experts are ready to give you all the help you need to implement and improve your business.



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Telephone (UK): +44 203 870 4408

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