How does outsourcing in the food sector work?

The food industry is experiencing a period of profound transformation, dictated both by the changing needs resulting from the coronavirus epidemic and by an increasingly advanced digitization process. Food delivery services, which experienced a strong push during the lockdown period, for example, are increasingly requested by customers.

From this point of view, these new processes require new ways of communicating and organizing work, causing many companies to rely on outsourcing for tax and commercial management too. This is where We Are Fiber can assist. With our structured network in place, we provide successful outsourcing services in the most dissimilar of sectors.

If you want to find out more about outsourcing the entire data entry process, get in touch with us. We can promise to take your business to new heights.

What is outsourcing?

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Before getting to the heart of the matter, it is essential to understand exactly what outsourcing is and what benefits it can bring to your business. Outsourcing basically means entrusting certain operations to an external company specializing in a particular activity, in order to reduce the costs of processes for which you do not have the right level of competence. Services that are often outsourced, for instance, are accounting, call centers, payroll management and the digitization of internal data and documents.

Through outsourcing, costs are cut, internal resources are optimized, and there is the possibility of concentrating more on the company's core business. We at We Are Fiber guarantee the performance of the services you require, boasting competent and qualified personnel, all the while demonstrating the utmost respect for privacy and sensitive information relating to your customers.

How to request a data entry process tailored to the needs of food companies

The data entry process includes an array of services, such as data digitization, database cleaning and big data analysis, so ensuring compliance with deadlines and an error rate of 0%. 

Even in our era of digitization, many companies remain anchored to slow and obsolete processes that make data collection complicated. Hence, the digitization of data has become a fundamental requirement, especially for small and medium-sized companies that must find alternative ways to avoid being crushed by the strongest competitors.

Another important operation in this regard is the cleaning of databases, such as that of the company website, which means that customers can navigate on an extremely fast and efficient portal. 

The analysis of big data is also crucial, which is essentially a complex process that allows your company to extract hidden information. Big data can, in fact, suggest to companies the best strategies to follow based on the data collected, making the business more effective in performing against the competition.

In terms of the food industry, let's take as an example a restaurant that offers delivery services and has to handle a very high demand. In this case, big data can answer certain questions, indicating the right solution for the various challenges faced. If data indicates that there is high demand for pizzas between 20:00 and 22:00 on Saturday evening, for instance, it is advisable to prepare a large quantity of dough for the pizzas in advance. During the week, the demand for sandwiches might be concentrated between 19:00 and 21:00, so sandwich preparation at this time would be recommended, to ensure quick and fast delivery. Customer satisfaction,of course, is one of the fundamental aspects for any company. If your business provides a swift and quality service, the consumer will no doubt appreciate this and often become a loyal customer as a result.

Menu creation and updating

We Are Fiber also offers the creation and updating of customizable menus, able to indicate the presence of allergens, organic products, specific products, and household products, etc. In this way, it is possible to relay appropriate information about the most characteristic dishes of a restaurant, such as local specialties, DOC wines or craft beers. It is also simple to update daily, weekly or monthly menus speedily, so as to include a wide offering capable of satisfying even the most demanding and refined palates.

Other financial and commercial services

In the food industry, as with every sector, there are various operations which are considered necessary, even if they are not part of the company's core business. These include, for example, the preservation and indexing of internal documents, the keeping of payrolls, and the management of financial cash flow, a key indicator for the attractiveness and health of a company.

All of these services, too, can be outsourced, so decongesting and freeing the company from many secondary tasks that risk taking away time, energy and precious resources from the main activities of the business.

Are you ready to digitize your food business efficiently?

We at We Are Fiber will be by your side to help you meet this challenge and give new impetus to your company.

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