10 things to know when outsourcing data entry

Outsourcing data entry is a strategy that companies implement for several reasons. There are several benefits that come from outsourcing time-consuming tasks, such as data entry. Some companies need to convert files from one format to another while other companies need to update their online databases.

There is an endless number of data entry tasks that companies need to perform. Since these tasks are either seasonal or require a lot of resources or staff, companies usually decide to outsource.

Why do companies outsource data entry?


Every company needs to handle data entry.

However, it can be a real challenge to manage them in-house. In addition, startups and SMEs aren't able to allocate a lot of budget to the data entry tasks. Therefore, the main reason for outsourcing data entry is cutting costs. If the tasks are seasonal, it would be wiser to simply outsource rather than take in more staff, which would translate to more costs. Moreover, the cost of an outsourced FTE is significantly lower than that of an in-house employee.


Another reason that companies outsource data entry is meeting deadlines. Often, data entry tasks need to be performed overnight. Outsourcing data entry ensures a quicker turnover time. Furthermore, outsourcing is a good option when the data entry volume is very high while the deadlines are tight.


On the other hand, technology plays an important role too. Data Entry tasks can be handled faster with the help of technology. Companies don't need to make any further investment to have access to such technology. When choosing an outsourcing partner, they gain access to new technology as well as to global talent. Consequently, outsourcing data entry means to delegate the task to experts and skilled workers, who would be fully dedicated to the campaign. Creating an in-house data entry team with the right experience and skills can be a challenge. When the location restriction is removed, the opportunities are increased.

10 things to know when outsourcing data entry


If you have decided that outsourcing data entry is the best strategy for your company, but you don't know where to start, we have prepared a list of tips to help you navigate the outsourcing process.


The project


1. Type of data entry. If you don't know yet what type of data entry work to outsource, we have prepared a detailed breakdown to help you. Click here to read our other article that goes into more detail: "Data Entry Service: All types of data entry".


2. Volumes.  Analysing the volumes in an important step in managing the process. For example, if your volumes are higher during a certain time of the day, you need to have more staff allocated during that hour. In addition, if the volumes are higher during certain months, you need to be prepared to allocate more staff during that period. By knowing the volumes of the work, you can calculate the number of FTEs needed to meet the deadlines.


3. Monitoring and Quality assurance. Even though data entry tasks seem to be entry level, they can be complicated. Moreover, depending on the nature of tasks (for example, processing sensitive information), the data entry process might require a high level of specialism. Monitoring the data entry activities is important for guaranteeing high quality.


4. Security and Data Protection. If the data entry tasks consist of handling personal and sensitive information, it is important to ensure a high level of security and data protection. Moreover, every company should take into account the General Data Protection Regulation when handling information related to European data subjects.


5. Turnaround time. Another important aspect when outsourcing data entry is quick turnaround time. This may depend on several factors, such as the urgency of the project, the volume, the timeline, etc. In addition, your outsourcing partner should have a strategy in place for meeting the deadlines and tackling unexpected challenges.



The outsourcing partner


6. Support. In addition, live support when outsourcing data entry is crucial for a successful campaign. The outsourcing partner should appoint a contact person that would serve as the main contact point regarding any campaign questions or issues that might arise.


7. Know-how. The outsourcing partner should have the relevant experience in handling data entry projects as well as industry know-how. Extensive experience is an added value that can help manage the campaign, monitoring and reporting efficiently.


8. Infrastructure. Most of the entry-level projects don't have any special technical requirements. However, for some projects there might be a need for Optical Character Recognition software, Speech Recognition, Image recognition, specialized converting software, monitoring software, etc. Make sure that your partner has the right technology in place for starting a data entry project.


9. Scalability. Equally important is the ability to scale up or down a campaign in a flexible way. This way, when there is a huge work volume, more resources can be allocated. Conversely, the number of resources can be scaled down when the volumes are low. This flexibility is hardly possible with in-house employees. Therefore, scalability is also one of the biggest advantages of outsourcing data entry.


10. Back-up and Emergency.  Finally, an outsourcing partner should be able to provide a backup plan in case of an emergency or disaster. The backup plan should include back-up employees, safe data back-ups, secondary internet lines, etc. In this case, the work wouldn't stall in case of unexpected emergencies.


Choosing the right outsourcing partner


While keeping all the above-mentioned aspects in mind, it is easier to see what to look for in a business process outsourcing partner.

Data Protection, Scalability, Quality, Quick Turnaround times, Technology and Organisation are all very important factors in choosing the right BPO.


We Are Fiber


Our partnership with Retail, Food and Beverage, E-commerce, and Technology companies for which we provide data entry services has helped us gain extensive knowledge of data entry project management. We have established a two-level Quality Assurance team in order to guarantee that our clients quality standards are met. We Are Fiber is GDPR compliant and ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 certified too.


Click here to receive a free quote or to get more information about outsourcing data entry to WeAreFiber. 



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