Online Live Chat: Consumer care in the new era

Customer care is becoming more and more sophisticated with companies prioritising customer experience. Clients are now served through multiple channels. Speed and efficiency are the most important factors in increasing customer satisfaction and because of this, online live chat plays an important role.

Online live chat helps meet customer expectations and increase customer loyalty. This is, however, not the only benefit. Live chat, when used correctly, can improve sales and increase conversion rates.


Live Chat and the new Customer Service Experience


The demand for exceptional customer care has nowadays increased more than ever. Customers have higher expectations due to the rapid technological advancements.


To be on top of the competitions companies need to be one step ahead and put in place the latest customer care strategies.


Because of the rapid changes in the market, companies cannot afford to fall behind. Following the latest customer service trends will enable companies to step up their game. Customers expect every service and product delivered on time and without delays. Customer Service shouldn't be any different. Online live chat is a customer service channel that is becoming the most preferred method of communication for clients. The main reason behind this is that it allows clients to receive support instantly. Clients don't need to wait on the phone or for an email response.

Market characteristics


Target clients- According to Financial Times, millennials are the world's most powerful consumers. If companies want to be successful, their marketing and customer service strategies should adapt to their specific needs. Millennials depend on technology for almost all of the aspects in their lives. Everything can be done online and in real-time. Online live chat is the most preferred method for the young generations specifically because it meets their needs.


Technology- Technology has a big impact on customer experience. Because of technology, people now lead a fast-paced life with instant coffee, instant food deliveries, instant bank transfers, etc. Online live chat makes it possible to match this tempo.


Competitiveness- As competition is growing and as there are many companies providing similar services and products, companies can differentiate themselves only by providing excellent customer service. Customers are no longer satisfied only with the service or product. They are now giving more importance to the customer journey and experience. If customers receive poor customer service, they will stop buying.  Online live chat is no longer an option to stand out from the competition. It is a must.




Benefits of Online Live Chat Support


Having an online live chat solution in the new era of consumer care has several major benefits for companies. From providing fast information to providing fast customer support, live chat has become a strategic feature for most companies.


Online live chat helps you reach your target audience easier. Furthermore, companies now have a way to directly connect with the new website visitors. In the new age of technology, customers don't take the time to visit a business physically. They will often rely on information that they can find on the internet. Thus, if a client doesn't find the information that they were looking for online, the chances of them doing business with that company will be lower. Online live chat enables customers to ask companies in real time about the questions they have.


Moreover, online live chat helps companies have faster resolution times. While phone support also has fast resolution times, live chat enables customers and operators to share information more effectively. They are able to share screenshots, videos of occurring issues and different documents.


Reducing Costs and Increasing Revenue


Live chat technology is also cheaper than phone support and email support. You don't need to pay for every call, pay for VoIP or for expensive email accounts. Another reason that live chat helps reduce costs is that it allows operators to multitask. Because of this, companies will need to employ less staff then they normally would.


As we have already mentioned, online live chat in the new era allows companies to be competitive.

Good customer service ensures a high retention and conversion rate. The new dynamic market calls for excellence, quality and speed. Online live chat helps companies gain an important advantage against their competitors. Being on top of your competition means more business for your company.


Lastly, online live chat is not only helpful for customer service but it helps increase sales too. According to a study conducted by Forrester, having live chat on your website can increase your website conversion rate by 29%. Moreover, studies have also proven that online shoppers need support in order to make a purchase.

Online Live Chat management made easy

Managing online live chat is sometimes challenging for companies. Firstly, companies need to have dedicated and skilled staff for the management of online live chat. Time zones are also difficult to manage. If your customer base is global, you will need to have wide coverage of support. Normally, global companies tend to have a 24/7 customer service.


Large teams of online live chat operators are also needed. This is to guarantee speedy support to all clients, without having them wait. Sometimes, when there are technical problems, the volume of chat tickets will increase. Without a backup plan, companies will have difficulties managing such situations.


If you want to improve the customer journey, you can integrate online live chat into an omnichannel solution. This will enable a seamless interaction for the clients, and will subsequently increase customer satisfaction. 

We Are Fiber


WeareFiber has partnered up with Zendesk to provide companies with fully integrated live chat software. The all-inclusive customer service package does not only include an omnichannel software solution, but also a fully trained and experienced customer service team.


Out teams are made up of specialized resources ready to handle your customer queries in multiple languages. Our Team Supervisors report to the Account Managers, who in turn, liaise with the client through every step and stage.

Reach out to We Are Fiber Sales team here to find out more details about our all-inclusive customer care packages.

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