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Digitalization of medical records: A guide on how to do it and why you need outsourcing!

Written by wafstaff | March 30, 2023

In recent years, healthcare providers have increasingly turned to digitalizing their medical records to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance patient care. However, the process of digitization can be complex and time-consuming, requiring significant resources and expertise. Outsourcing the digitization process has become a popular solution, allowing healthcare providers to benefit from cost-effective and high-quality services while focusing on their core healthcare tasks. In this article, we will explore the advantages of outsourcing the digitization process of medical records and how it can help healthcare providers streamline their operations, improve patient care, and enhance data security.

A guide on digitalization of medical records

Digitalizing medical records can help healthcare providers store, manage, and access patient information more efficiently. Here's a general guide on how to digitalize medical records:

1 - Assess your current medical record system

Start by evaluating your current medical record system to identify any gaps or inefficiencies that could be improved by digitization. Start by identifying the clinical records that need to be digitized. This could include patient charts, medical histories, lab results, and other health information.

2 - Determine the scope of the project

Determine the scope of the digitization project, including the number of records to be digitized, the format of the records, and any special requirements or specifications.

3 - Develop a plan

Create a plan that outlines the steps needed to digitize your medical records. This plan should include a timeline, budget, and resources needed for the project.

4 - Select a digital record-keeping platform

Choose a digital record-keeping platform that meets your organization's needs. There are many electronic health records (EHR) systems available, and you should select one that is secure, easy to use, and cost-effective.

5 - Train your staff

Train your staff on how to use the new digital record-keeping platform to ensure that they can effectively input, retrieve, and manage patient data.

6 - Scan existing paper records

Scan existing paper records and upload them to the new digital record-keeping platform. Be sure to follow proper security protocols to ensure that sensitive patient information is protected.

7 - Create digital forms

Create digital forms for patients to fill out when they visit your facility. This will help streamline the data input process and reduce errors in patient data. Monitor the digitization process to ensure that it is proceeding according to plan. This includes tracking the progress of the project and checking the quality of the digitized records.

8 - Implement a backup system

Implement a backup system to protect your digital medical records from loss or damage. This can include backing up your data to a secure, off-site location or implementing a cloud-based storage system.

9 - Transfer the digital records

Once the digitization process is complete, transfer the digital records back to your organization. This could include storing the records on a secure server or in a cloud-based storage system.

10 - Establish data security protocols

Establish data security protocols to ensure that patient information is protected from unauthorized access or disclosure. This includes limiting access to patient data to authorized personnel only and implementing strong passwords and other security measures.

11 - Monitor and update your system

Monitor your digital record-keeping system regularly to ensure that it is functioning properly and efficiently. You should also update your system as needed to ensure that it remains secure and up to date.

Are you sure you want to go all the way by yourself? Here’s why you need outsourcing

Now that you have an idea of all the work that it takes to digitalize medical records all by yourself, you probably agree with us: Outsourcing is the right solution for your medical records!

As you read, digitizing medical records can be a complex process, but with careful planning and execution from the right company, it can help all healthcare providers, manage, and access patient data more efficiently and securely.

The healthcare industry has been undergoing a transformation phase around the world to improve the quality of care provided. The introduction of electronic medical records has greatly aided in the digitization of the healthcare sector, allowing for quick search, access, and retrieval of critical medical information.

Hiring a third-party service provider for the digitization process of clinical records can offer several benefits. First, it can be more cost-effective than trying to carry out the process in-house, as outsourcing partners can leverage economies of scale to keep costs down. Second, outsourcing can free up your staff's time to focus on core healthcare tasks rather than digitization. Finally, outsourcing partners are often able to deliver high-quality results faster than in-house teams, as they have the expertise and equipment to carry out the digitization process efficiently.

More (detailed) reasons and advantages why you should outsource include:

  • Reduced costs

Outsourcing can be a cost-effective solution as it allows healthcare providers to avoid the high costs associated with purchasing equipment, hiring personnel, and training staff. Outsourcing providers leverage economies of scale to keep costs down and offer flexible pricing models to match the specific needs of healthcare providers.

  • Faster turnaround time

Outsourcing companies often have the expertise and equipment to carry out the digitization process more efficiently than in-house teams. This can result in a faster turnaround time for digitizing your medical records.

  • Improved accuracy

Third-party companies have experience in handling sensitive patient data and can provide a high level of accuracy in digitizing medical records. They have the necessary equipment and software to ensure that the digitized records are clear, legible, and easy to read.

  • Flexibility

Outsourcing providers can offer a high level of flexibility in the digitization process. They can tailor their services to meet your organization's specific needs, including the format of the records, the level of detail, and the turnaround time.

  • Improved data security

 Handling the digitalization process with a third-party means that you will have strict security protocols in place to ensure that patient data is protected from unauthorized access or disclosure. These companies have the necessary security measures and technologies to ensure that your digitized medical records are safe and secure.

  • Reduced workload for staff

Outsourcing the digitization process can free up your staff's time to focus on core healthcare tasks. This can improve overall productivity and allow your staff to provide better patient care.

  • Quality assurance 

Third-party providers have strict quality control measures in place to ensure that the digitized records are of high quality and meet industry standards. This can result in accurate and legible records that can be easily accessed by healthcare providers.

  • Focus on core healthcare tasks

By outsourcing the digitization process, healthcare providers can focus on their core healthcare tasks, such as providing quality patient care and leave the digitization process to experts.

  • Improved patient care

Digitalized medical records provide easy access to patients' medical histories and test results, allowing healthcare providers to make more informed decisions about patient care. This can result in improved patient outcomes and a better overall patient experience.

  • Scalability

Outsourcing providers offer scalable services, allowing healthcare providers to adjust the volume of digitization services as needed. This means that as the healthcare provider's business grows or changes, they can easily adapt to new requirements without worrying about the cost of equipment, staff, and training.

What you should look for in a third-party service provider

When outsourcing the digitization process of clinical records, it's important to work with a reputable vendor that has experience in handling sensitive patient data and can provide a secure and reliable service. It's also important to establish clear communication channels with the outsourcing partner to ensure that the project proceeds smoothly and that any issues are quickly addressed.

Here are some useful qualities to look for in an outsourcing company:

  • Certified Destruction

 Skilled suppliers will always destroy your documents in compliance with industry rules for certified destruction, ensuring that your files never end up on public trash sites. If they perform demolition on their own, they must be certified. If they deal with a destruction firm, they must show that they did their homework. A certificate of certified destruction is required.

  • Streamlined scanning process

The scanning process used by the vendor you choose must be well-defined and transparent. This procedure should ideally include the following steps: archive pick-up, transportation and intake at scanning facilities, document preparation, scanning, indexing and classification, metadata, and image distribution, and certified (confidential) destruction.

  • Reputation

Trust your files to a company that’s reputable in the healthcare industry and has extensive expertise in digitalization. The organization and its management team must be well-known in your field and have a long list of reliable healthcare references.

  • Quality

Verify that the technology used by the company can provide the highest possible quality. Inquire not just what specific tools are employed, but also what they do.

Other crucial steps you have to make sure the organization you’re dealing with follows, are: 

  • A quality assurance process is established, followed, and documented (for example: Comparing digitalized copies to originals to ensure that they have been accurately converted)
  • Scanned copies are saved in “read-only” format
  • Written scanning procedures are developed and consistently followed
  •  Appropriate safeguards are used to ensure the reliability of digital copies

The right solution for your company!

If you're looking for a reliable and experienced partner to outsource the digitization process of your medical records, look no further than We Are Fiber company. Our team of experts has years of experience in handling sensitive patient data and providing a high level of accuracy in digitizing medical records. 

By outsourcing to We Are Fiber, you can benefit from our cost-effective, fast, and flexible services, allowing you to focus on core healthcare tasks while we take care of the digitization process. Plus, with our strict security protocols in place, you can rest assured that your patient data will remain safe and secure. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help streamline your digitization process.