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Virtual secretary: what it is and how it works

Written by marzia | January 31, 2022

Opinions on the virtual secretary are extremely flattering among professionals and companies that have tried it. It is an increasingly widespread tool by virtue of the considerable advantages and benefits it brings at an organizational and logistical level.

Availability is one of the hottest and most important aspects in this particular historical period. Customers are ever more impatient and demanding and insist upon quick and immediate answers. Of course, it is not possible to be available 24/7 and this is where the  virtual secretary comes into play. But, how does it work?

In practice, this service is active not only when the office is open, but also when it is closed. In addition, if, for instance, you are in a meeting or on a business trip, you can seldom respond to a message. Sometimes, moreover, requests arrive late at night, during the holidays or in non-working hours. The virtual secretary can step in to manage any situation independently, guaranteeing the utmost professionalism.

What is the virtual secretary?

Before delving into the opinions and reviews on the virtual secretary, it is worth understanding exactly what it is and how it works. This tool is able to perform the following services:

  • answer phone calls;
  • automatically respond to questions and requests on social pages or instant messaging apps;
  • reply to emails;
  • plan your personal agenda;
  • fill in the forms and deal with the bureaucratic matters relating to the Public Administration or the Tax Authority.

What are the advantages of having a virtual secretary?

The virtual secretary practically organizes and manages work when you and your staff are unable to do so.

Of course, you can save a great deal of precious time, which translates into profit for the company. The secretary, by carrying out work and tasks that do not fall directly into the company's core business, gives staff the opportunity to concentrate on more important jobs.

It is no coincidence that the partners who have relied on our smartsourcing services, including control room, process automation, quality control, accounting, payroll and the virtual secretary, have seen a 16% reduction in the time required for carrying out such processes, with a 14% increase in profit. In this way, it also becomes easier to circumvent the typical waiting times of bureaucracy and guarantee a more fluid and streamlined service.

We must not underestimate the optimization of customer service, a fundamental undertaking for the growth of any company. You can be sure not to miss the emails received or critical messages, so always remaining by your customer's side. Ultimately, the cost of social customer care is considerably reduced, without undermining the quality of the service.

You can also be contactable at any time, both when you are in the office and when you are not, ensuring that you always appreciate exactly what is happening in the company. As a result, you can understand all the opportunities that arise, including important customers not to be overlooked, and prioritize those activities that you consider most crucial at that moment.

Reviews on the virtual secretary

When reading the opinions on the virtual secretary according to users, a very interesting fact emerges: the heterogeneity of the customers who use it. In this very long list, we can find doctors, e-commerce companies, real estate agencies, communication agencies, farms, clothing companies, food companies, etc.

In short, the user is broadly defined and makes one understand how valuable this tool is, regardless of the sector in which it operates. By analyzing the reviews collected on the web, some of them from our customers, we can summarize the chief benefits that professionals and companies have found with the virtual secretary:

  • create a filter to receive the various contacts, giving precedence to those who show themselves most interested in purchasing;
  • greater professionalism and credibility to the company;
  • reduction of the risk of errors and increase in the quality of work;
  • 24h availability;
  • improvement of customer service;
  • front office of the company is free from phone calls at peak times;
  • call flow management optimization;
  • increase in turnover;
  • quick responses;
  • added value to the activity.

How to personalize the virtual secretary service

The positive opinions on the virtual secretary highlight another priority aspect: the possibility of personalizing the service. We at We Are Fiber have, in fact, developed a system able to adapt according to the different needs of our customers.

The virtual secretary thus becomes the ideal support for every need, from the freelancer to the entrepreneur to small companies.

You will, furthermore, avoid fixed costs, as our service provides for payment based on the time worked. In addition to obtaining significant savings for your business, you can take advantage of an automated process or a dedicated resource, as well as a service that is always punctual and multilingual.

It takes very little to turn on the turbo and project your company ever higher and higher. We are by your side to take on this challenge.

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