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The Customer Experience for a better return on business

Written by marzia | January 31, 2022

80% of companies believe they provide their customers with professional customer experience. In reality, this thought clashes with the statistics, according to which only 8% of customers believe they receive quality services.

Most of the time, the truth is in the middle, but this time it is not so. If "the customer is always right" is now an old and obsolete phrase, customer feedback indeed has a considerable weight in the credibility of a brand. Until a few years ago, the customer experience was significant only for large companies, but today in an increasingly saturated and competitive market, it becomes fundamental also for small and medium-sized enterprises.

We at We Are Fiber provide you with a professional service to implement the customer experience and acquire new customers, the heart of your business. Do you want to know how the customer experience works, and what strategies we follow? Click here! 

What is meant by customer experience?

To understand how to improve the customer experience, you must first understand what it is. It refers to the customer’s overall experience in the relationship with a company, and is also known as CX and includes:

  • assistance before, during and after the purchase of goods or services;
  • request for information;
  • advice;
  • ability to solve a problem;
  • return service.

The customer experience now embraces all activities and is an essential process following which professional figures were birthed, such as customer experience managers.

Why is customer experience necessary?

Small and medium-sized enterprises have limited resources, and the market is now increasingly saturated and globalized. How to differentiate yourself from the competition then? Providing the customer with an impeccable and tailor-made service, capable of solving and anticipating the problems and critical issues that may arise in the relationship between the company and the consumer, is vital.

9 out of 10 users said they would pay more in exchange for a better shopping experience. It is not the price, at least not only, that tips the balance in favor of one company rather than another, but also the service received.

Besides, loyal customers, who now know the validity and reliability of a company, are willing to overlook a small error before relying on a competitor. Offering an excellent CX means giving a quality seal to society, an identifying mark to distinguish it from the crowd.

How does the customer experience change?

The customer experience has changed profoundly in these years, especially after the digital revolution. Customers’ expectations have increased considerably, no longer being passive but active consumers who want to participate in the product selection process.

It must be considered that a large part of modern customers are among the "Millennials", i.e., people born between 1981 and 1996, therefore raised on bread and technology. In particular, e-commerce sites and especially social networks are real sounding boards to test customer satisfaction. They provide a series of fundamental data that allows you to create identikits for your target, thus identifying current trends, challenges, and strengths of products and services thanks to the feedback provided.

Modern companies must be present on social networks, learn more about their customers' purchasing habits and preferences, and provide an immediate response. Social networks have made the world extremely fast and interactive, as much as 25% of the "Millenials" expect a decisive and concise answer within 10 minutes.

How to measure the customer experience?

A customer experience meter does not exist, but various means and technologies are available to understand if it is going in the right direction.

Even small businesses today can equip themselves with digital systems that collect information and data to analyze and adopt the right countermeasures and strategies. Sharing the data collected through cloud technologies on demand allows small and medium-sized enterprises to improve the services offered even at low cost. In such an interconnected world, the amount of data increases exponentially, which must be channeled in the right direction to increase its competitiveness.

Managing customer requests and processing data in the right way are not operations that are invented overnight, but expertise and experience acquired over time. We at We Are Fiber offer you both, thanks to the help of professionals trained and specially trained in this sector and equipped with innovative and cutting-edge tools.

What do We Are Fiber do? They Integrate the data already present in your company to analyze it intelligently, drawing the information necessary to improve the  customers’ experience.

Are you ready to give your company a makeover?

Then contact We Are Fiber to find out our innovative proposals tailored to your needs.