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Increase your earnings through customer retention

Written by marzia | January 31, 2022

Make your customers fall in love with you. This is one of the most complex challenges for companies and is the determining factor for success. Providing customers with excellent service is certainly an important step in creating satisfied customers and ensuring that they become a form of positive and free advertising. 

4 best practices for building customer loyalty

Why does every company wish to build customer loyalty? The answer is simple: because the investment required to retain loyal customers is far less and far more effective than the investment required to attract new ones. This is why it is so crucial to create a lasting customer relationship.

  1. Use social media

Whether  or not you are of the 2.0 generation is of little concern. The bottom line is that you need to keep up to date. Your customers are on social media and that's where you need to create communication with them. So, it becomes essential to focus on and invest in quality content that involves all your recipients. 

  1. Create a customer reward program

Motivate your customers to stay loyal by offering them a way to save or receive benefits. Examples include a reward after 10 purchases or allowing a customer to receive free shipping. These initiatives appeal to many customers and are not necessarily expensive or complex. 

  1. Optimize customer service 

Customer loyalty starts with winning their trust. If a customer is satisfied with the service received, he or she will continue to purchase from the company and should speak well of the brand, generating positive word of mouth. 


Customers are the focus of your business, not only because they buy, but also because they can provide useful information on the effectiveness and quality of your products. Feedback and reviews are invaluable in understanding what works, what doesn't and what needs to be strengthened in the sales process or in the product itself. In this way, you can offer services capable of satisfying your target customers. 


Today's consumers are very different in comparison to just a few decades ago. This is because they are not limited to evaluating only the quality of the product, but every aspect that revolves around it, such as the brand welcome, the consulting process, the after-sales service, the return methodology and refund protocol. Times change and you have to keep up in order not to lose ground against your competitors.

  1. Find out what your customers really want

Whatever method you choose to build customer loyalty, you need to ensure that it is customer centric. Meeting the needs of the customers is the key objective of the market and the presence of constant assistance results in the conquest of trust and satisfaction. 


Unlike a few years ago, modern users know how to employ the various communication channels far more effectively and are able to choose their favorites. Your customers know how to navigate content, find information and don't stop at the first result. Consequently, they have become much more selective and expect to receive quality information and support. To keep up with this change, companies have to reinvent themselves. Hence, it is more important than ever to put the customer at the center of business processes. 


This is essentially a customer centric approach, a business model that has been able to evolve by defining the real added value in the centrality of the customer. 

How to build customer loyalty


Your customer support service simply has to be excellent, providing quick and relevant answers to customer questions. To ensure this, you can rely on the customer service or chatbots offered by We Are Fiber.


Loyalty strategies are varied and you have to adopt the one that best suits your needs. Effective customer support improves productivity and also cuts internal management costs. 

Are you ready to take the big leap for your company?


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