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Digital customer care specialist: who it is and what it does

Written by marzia | January 31, 2022

The digital customer care specialist is one of the new professional figures created in the context of digital transformation, entirely aimed at looking after the customer and specialized in the use of digital communication tools.

What determines the success or failure of a company is not only the quality of the products and services offered, but, above all, the quality of customer service. The customer is the core around which the entire company revolves, where the latter must provide a customer care service capable of satisfying all requests and needs at 360 °, so to speak.

Why was the figure of the digital customer care specialist born?

In this context, the figure of the digital customer care specialist came to life, one who has the task of optimizing customer service.

This figure has indeed become indispensable, as customers are increasingly demanding. They require fast services and timely and relevant answers. Secondly, the channels used to interact with a brand are increasingly differentiated, including social, email, telephone, sms, chatbot and websites. A company must therefore provide complete support, from assistance to information on a product to complaints, across every type of channel.

Finally, we must not underestimate the disruptive power, for better or worse, that word of mouth can have. The web is now essentially a large virtual square where we talk and exchange views and opinions. If a customer is satisfied with the experience they have with your brand, they will speak well of it and bring you other customers, turning into a free sponsor. On the contrary, if a customer is disappointed with the experience received, the result is often that this person may well speak ill of your company, generating negative word of mouth.

What does the digital customer care specialist do?

Almost every company already has its own customer care team that puts the customer at the center of its strategies. Why do you need a specific figure then? Because this person specializes in certain issues, starting with the choice of means and channels to provide an efficient and professional assistance service.

The skills required are always the same:

  • excellent command of language and communication skills;
  • analytical approach;
  • problem solving skills;
  • outstanding listening skills.

What are the most necessary skills for this specialized professional? This figure must know how to adapt communication according to the digital channel used. For instance, the language employed in an email will be different from a chat or social network.

For this reason, this role requires someone who can coherently organize all such activities, to manage communication on all available channels in the best possible manner. Finally, this person must appreciate the tools at his or her disposal, so as to apply the skills mentioned above. For example, certain tools allow for intercepting a discussion on social media in which the brand of a specific company is spoken of, permitting intervention where appropriate.

At We Are Fiber, we have various digital customer care specialists in our workforce, involved in an effective omnichannel customer service strategy to optimize customer service. This figure is increasingly in demand, as this person creates an empathic relationship with the user, with the aim of crafting a unique customer experience, where this certainly represents a plus for the company. The businesses that contacted us and included this figure in their workforce recorded a generalized growth of 35%.

Digital customer care specialist: advantages for companies

Let's take a closer look at the advantages for companies that have a digital customer care specialist:

  • optimization of digital conversations with customers;
  • effective exploitation of omnichannel digital platforms;
  • increase in productivity and customer satisfaction;
  • use of a homogeneous tone of voice;
  • creation of scalable know-how.

The capacity for synthesis and empathy of the digital customer care specialist

The digital customer care specialist offers clear, concise and empathic communication: all qualities appreciated by new customers, who can receive swift and timely answers to their requests. This figure must also perceive the state of mind of the client, to provide adequate responses from an emotional point of view.

Making the most of digital platforms

The customer service team, coordinated by a professional figure, is able to collect feedback and opinions, so as to shape personalized support capable of intercepting customer needs and anticipating possible questions.

Maximum productivity and improved customer satisfaction 

By managing multiple conversations across digital channels at the same time, with the help of automated and digitized tools, the work of your customer service team is better distributed. In some cases, chatbots are sufficient, so the workload is reduced for operators, who can then provide a higher quality service. It therefore follows that overall customer satisfaction also improves.

The communication style becomes a trademark

All operators learn to use a corporate tone which, while adapting to the various requests and personalities of the customers, must be homogeneous, so that the communication style becomes a distinctive sign of the company itself.

Scalable know-how 

A team dedicated to digital customer service represents so-called know-how in terms of digital skills, that turns into a corporate asset, as each new operator will be inserted into a mechanism that is already perfectly oiled and functioning.

The digital customer care specialist is the trump card that can make a difference for your company. Would you like to know more?

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