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What is conversational business?

Written by marzia | February 22, 2021

Increasingly, users and current and potential customers want to communicate directly with companies using the same channels with which they communicate with friends and relatives. It is for this reason that we have started talking about conversational business. The dialogue can take place across various channels, from social media to surveys, from email marketing to chatbots. 

Conversational business encompasses the different ways that messaging channels can be used in service, marketing, sales, and more. In this sense, messaging apps are very effective and allow companies to communicate directly with customers by creating personalized experiences. 

The advantages of conversational business

What are the advantages that companies have as a result of this conversational approach? 

We reveal the main benefits: 

Personalized communication

The conversational approach involves a two-way process that gives rise to individual conversations with each customer.

Shorter sales cycles 

Thanks to instant messaging, the entire sales cycle becomes much shorter and simpler as touchpoints are reduced. Therefore, impulse purchases increase. Since users have time to evaluate the purchase, conversational marketing also results in a rise in conversions.

More efficient management

Users are increasingly familiar with technologies and the percentage of consumers who rely on chatbots to get a quick response in an emergency has risen exponentially. Chatbots are therefore becoming increasingly strategic tools in user management. Chatbots are able to respond to a large number of requests, while directing complex questions to human figures with greater knowledge of the problem. It is also highly useful that chatbots learn from previous interactions, producing a cycle of self-learning.

Greater access to data 

Chatbots provide a great deal of information about the user who has interacted with the brand. By integrating with other business systems, such as CRM, chatbots contribute to defining a new digital ecosystem, becoming a fundamental tool for upselling and cross-selling.

Easy to analyze 

The chatbot facilitates the exploration of customer data to detect behavioral patterns and predict future ones. In addition, one can ask follow-up questions, receive more feedback, and determine means to assist people. Thus, much deeper "insights" are obtained than by way of using a form, such as a lead generation form.  


One of the most important advantages is scalability. Replies to conversations are often recurring and, through the use of chatbots equipped with artificial intelligence, it is possible to speed up response times, increase interactions and obtain channeled responses. Not only that, but customers can get satisfactory answers, perform predefined operations or generate contact with team members for appointments.  


Strategies to improve your results

On average, more than 80% of customers prefer to send direct messages using social networks, chatbots or livechat to receive answers. This leads to a reduction in the time required to fill in forms or undergo physical movements and, consequently, results in a greater optimization of customer time. Furthermore, the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning makes tools such as chatbots capable of responding in real time to a large number of requests. These systems learn from previous interactions, including learning how to match the response to the query naturally and ever closer to human language. A marketing model based on instant messaging and chatbots allows you to provide quality customer support and 24/7 assistance. 

These points favor an efficient relationship between customer and company, achieving a beneficial level of trust. This improvement in the relationship will encourage active involvement of the customer, who will be more inclined to purchase or request services. But not only that, the customer who feels pampered will advertise the company by recommending it to acquaintances and generating word of mouth. 


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