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Complaints handling and Outsourcing Better results, while lowering costs

Written by wafstaff | March 1, 2023

Complaints handling & Outsourcing: Better results, while lowering costs!

We’ve all been there, and we know the feeling: Getting a complaint is never pleasant!

No one goes to work expecting to perform a poor job, so it can be discouraging when a client feels the need to voice their displeasure with the service they have received from your business.

Naturally, not every complaint is legitimate, and receiving a complaint does not necessarily imply that the company, its divisions, or its people are at fault. Whatever the situation, it's a sad fact that handling that complaint will cost time and energy that most businesses would undoubtedly prefer their personnel to devote to other vital tasks, like advancing client work, coaching staff members, or even leaving the office on time!

That being said, we should also emphasize that complaints aren’t always bad. Sometimes they help the business owners learn from their mistakes and do better next time, but they do cost a lot of money and resources to the company. Fortunately, there is a way to solve these issues cost-effectively. 

Why you should outsource your complaints handling

If customer complaints are not handled properly, companies might experience significant effects and be subject to intense scrutiny. Many businesses are hesitant to outsource their complaint management because they doubt that another company will handle complaints appropriately

However, businesses by now should have learned that outsourcing customer complaints is a fantastic choice for a lot of companies. If there is a complaint, the customer experience has really already been put to the test. Negative consequences, including financial and reputational ones, could result from inefficient issue management. This means that the grievances department in any kind of firm needs to have the appropriate methods, competent agents, good administration, and insightful reporting procedures. A good outsourcing service company will provide all that!

Advantages of outsourcing: 

By selecting an outsourcing company with an experienced team of complaint handlers, your business will have more time to concentrate on other tasks and will have a high rate of complaint resolution.

These complaints handling service providers typically offer a scientific approach to resolving issues while still letting the company be in charge. They are also usually adaptable, independent, and flexible. Your complaint issues will be resolved while you save money and valuable time.

By using outsourcing providers specialized in customer complaints handling, your customer will get a higher level of service than can often be provided by in-house resources. 

Outsourcing often feels like having a large team of experts always on hand to deliver exceptional service to your consumers.

The experienced outsourced customer complaints providers are excellent at talking to consumers and professionally resolving concerns so that customers leave the call or email communication with an incredibly positive experience of your brand. 

What you should know before outsourcing complaint handling

There are a few things you should watch out for when choosing the right outsourcing firm for you. Your complaints outsourcing department must be confident in answering consumer questions and queries such as suitability information, or where certain products are stocked. 

The outsourcing provider must come with a software solution and a specialized team that enables instant, accurate, and assured answers to these questions to ensure customers leave with a positive impression of your brand.

Usually, typical outsourcing services, regarding complaints handling, include:

  •  Suggestions for improvement to prevent the recurrence of a complaint of a similar nature.
  • Delivering reports on complaints, examined on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. These reports should include trends and root cause analysis.
  • Preparation of a response following a review of the client’s file
  • Dealing with first-response complaints
  • Dealing with complex investigations regarding specific cases
  • An independent review of the client’s complaint

Common Service Complaints: Other than outsourcing, how to fix them?

While it would be perfect to never have a dissatisfied customer, in the business world, this is simply not possible. No matter how excellent your product or service is, you will inevitably have to deal with unhappy customers at some point, and the way you handle these complaints can make or destroy your company. 

If you handle them correctly, those dissatisfied clients will likely respect the way you handled the circumstance and return. Having received excellent customer service, they might even tell others about your products or service.

 However, if you treat them poorly, you run the risk of not only permanently losing those clients but also having their grievances and unfavorable testimonials circulated across social media.

Let's examine some suggested strategies and crucial actions for efficiently managing a client complaint:

  • Listen carefully

Customers want to be heard, particularly if they are dissatisfied with a product or service, you sold them or one that didn't live up to their expectations. The first step in finding a fair solution when dealing with a dissatisfied customer is to carefully listen to what they have to say and make sure you comprehend the problem. Ask questions about the client's experience and note how you may prevent a repeat of it in the future. Direct consumer feedback is an excellent approach to pinpoint areas of your company that require improvement, especially if you frequently hear the same issues from clients.

  • A fast follow-up

When clients complain that a person has not contacted them after promising to do so over a product issue, it might be harmful to the company. However, it makes sense that businesses have trouble being responsive, particularly if they're still in the process of switching from traditional to digital customer service.

Determine the most popular channels where the public contacts you and make sure to put an adequate number of personnel there to get the most out of your voice and non-voice platforms. The methods you employ should also match the preferences of your audience; for example, if you were contacted via email, respond via email. The most crucial thing is to understand the optimal amount of time for a response. 

  • Realistic ads

Customers frequently feel that they didn’t get what they paid due to unrealistic advertisements. Avoid this by being completely clear and truthful in your offers. Always go for a long-term engagement than a one-time sale. If someone calls in with your product that is different from what he expected, a refund may be offered to disarm the anger.

  • Unfulfilled promises

Similar to the previous point, unrealistic expectations are frequently the cause of complaints like this, so the remedy is straightforward: Never make a promise you can't keep. Unfulfilled promises are hard to get over, but if you find yourself in this position, always start by apologizing before outlining your lack of ability to follow through. And the next time, remember that it's more crucial to solving issues precisely than to act quickly and mindlessly.

  • Not letting customers go through several transfers

One of the most upsetting things you could ever do to customers is leave them to wander through multiple people and ways of communication. So, make sure that your contact information is widely spread to avoid them having to repeat their narrative to many agencies. By doing this, you decrease the likelihood that they will get the wrong department. Focus on educating your agents to assume full responsibility for every inquiry by prioritizing first-contact resolution as a key metric.

  • Express sympathy and apologize

Whether you agree or not with the customer's complaint, showing sincere sympathy and expressing your regret for the incident will help to create a relationship between the two of you. In the end, it doesn't really matter if the customer is correct or incorrect. What counts is that you acknowledge the client's worries and demonstrate your desire to fix the problem. The easiest method to settle a situation and prevent further agitating a furious customer is to remain calm and talk in an even, comforting tone.

  • Offer a solution, then solve the problem

Give thought to the client's complaints and worries and present a reasonable and fast solution. Informing the client that you will discuss the problem with the team if you feel the need to speak to your manager or supervisor is necessary. Instead of declining a customer's request if it isn't feasible, try to come up with an alternative solution that similarly addresses the issue. Put the strategy into action as soon as you've decided what is the best solution. Resolving issues quickly will increase the likelihood that the customer will forget about the bad experience and move on.

  • Give your clients space to complain

Yes, you read that right! Allow your customers to be able to contact you with any issues, recommendations, or other feedback. Here are a few things you can do: 

  • Provide a way for clients to complain online
  • Make it clear how they can complain and whom they contact- include this in your initial client care letter.
  • Most essential, acknowledge the issue and find a solution.

Of course, if you decided to outsource – you wouldn’t have to deal with any of these points mentioned above, because it will all be passed to the contractors.

The roots of success: good customer service!

Did you know that about 90% of customers who have a negative experience with your product or service, will never return to buy it again?

A great business strategy is built on providing excellent customer service, when it comes to knowing how to handle customer complaints, it pays to have a procedure in place as part of your business plan. Consider the steps you will take to make sure your business offers top-notch customer service while you write your business plan. Customer loyalty is the key to expanding your business, and it can be fostered by providing excellent customer service. It can also boost your brand, lower employee turnover, and generate endorsements.

Note that studies have shown that retaining current customers is cheaper than acquiring new ones, and satisfied customers are more likely to make additional purchases and suggest your product or service to others.

Looking for a way to manage complaints? You came to the right place!

Partnering with We Are Fiber will improve your business will perform better and provide a high level of customer service. Contact us here and we'll tell you what we can do to help.